Men, Be Men. Lead.

I started reading through Hero and I have decided to pursue a new standard of purity in my life. It is commonplace in my fiancé’s home to watch shows like Big Bang Theory, New Girl, and Law and Order: SVU. But recently, after reading through the majority of your book Hero, I have cut out all the shows that have even a hint of sexual immorality.
I didn’t want to do this alone. I also wanted to challenge us as a couple to remove those programs from our lives, but this decision was tough for my fiancé to accept at first because she said that media sensuality never affected her as it did me. Since she wouldn’t turn them off, whenever one of these shows came on, I simply left the room, consistently, but without argument.
The good news is my fiancé is starting to understand, and has decided to join me in removing this sexual impurity from our lives, but she told me she has to go about it at her pace, which I understand. However, I’m already moving ahead full-speed on this, because it is really starting to bear fruit in my life. I want you to know how much it has helped in the struggles I have at night. You see, I have been waking up in the middle of the night with intense desires to masturbate for the last couple of years, but since I began cutting these programs out of my life there are no images in my mind that bring arousal, and I feel so much stronger and powerful in being able to overcome the temptations in my life, even when I’m asleep. The temptations are disappearing.
All this really reassures me of my masculine identity in Christ. Thank you so much for your challenging words and practical advice!

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